Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Cancellation Before Sessions Begin:

If a member decides to cancel their enrollment before the sessions commence, they will receive a full refund. The refund amount will be transferred to their bank account or UPI (Unified Payments Interface) payment method. It is important to note that we do not have a cash refund policy.

Refund Deadline:

It is important to note that no refunds will be issued after 7 days from the starting date of the sessions; this means that if a member cancels their enrollment after this deadline has passed, they will not be eligible for a refund.

Cancellation or Refund Process:

To initiate the cancellation and refund process, members are required to follow the registration process through the organization’s website, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken and documented accordingly.

Payment Confirmation:

Once the payment for enrollment is confirmed, members will receive a payment receipt at their registered email address, which serves as proof of payment and is essential for any future reference or inquiries regarding refunds.

Non-Attendance Policy:

If a member fails to attend a scheduled lesson, it cannot be rescheduled, and it will be considered as taken/attended.

Group Session Rescheduling:

Group sessions cannot be rescheduled by the member.

Communication Updates:

Members may receive occasional updates from Swar-Ranjan Music Academy through email or SMS about courses, offers, or changes in session timings.

Payment Security:

The academy never asks for credit/debit card details from members, nor sends payment links on WhatsApp

Transfer of Paid Fee:

The paid fee is not transferable to another member or another course.

Course Postponement or Cancellation:

Swar-Ranjan Music Academy reserves the right to postpone or cancel any course due to insufficient student numbers or unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, a full refund will be provided without any deduction.

Refund Method:

The academy does not have a cash refund policy. Refunds will be transferred to the member’s bank account or any UPI payment method only.

Jurisdiction for Disputes:

In case of any disputes or legal issues arising between the organization and its customers, it is specified that all disputes are subject to Nagpur Jurisdiction only. This means that any legal matters or conflicts related to the services provided by the organization will be addressed and resolved within the jurisdiction of Nagpur, Maharashtra.

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