Our Courses

Karaoke Singing Classes

At the Swar-Ranjan Music Academy, Karaoke music classes are designed to help students develop their singing skills in a fun and interactive way. The classes focus on various aspects of singing along with Karaoke tracks, including vocal techniques, pitch control, breath support, and performance skills. Students will have the opportunity to practice singing popular songs using Karaoke tracks, allowing them to work on their timing, expression, and overall musicality.

The curriculum includes:

  • Vocal Techniques: Students will learn proper vocal warm-ups, exercises to improve range and tone, and how to project their voice effectively.
  • Pitch Control: The classes will cover exercises and strategies to help students stay on the pitch while singing along with Karaoke tracks.
  • Breath Support: Students will learn how to breathe properly to support their singing and sustain notes effectively.
  • Performance Skills: The course will also focus on stage presence, microphone technique, and connecting with the audience while performing with Karaoke tracks.

Overall, the Karaoke music classes at Swar-Ranjan Music Academy aim to provide a supportive and engaging environment for students to enhance their singing abilities through the use of Karaoke tracks.

Class Days: Monday to Saturday, Contact for Timings by phone

Class Fees: Rs 1000.00 Per Month

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